Thursday, October 24, 2013


Lily has been doing well since her little brother was born.
In general, she is patient with him (and me) with all the 
extra time and attention he gets. At times when she is becoming 
frustrated and I'm challenged by two crying babies (yes, she is still my 'baby'),
I have to remind myself that she went from having ALL of the attention to
less than half. There are many moments throughout the day when Ethan is upset or I'm 
nursing him and she is also wanting to read or build block towers or is 
in the kitchen trying to do big-girl things she shouldn't be doing alone. Ha!
Bittersweet that independence...  
She's seeking my attention in more ways (good and bad) than before and I'm 
finding myself wishing there were 2 of me to balance both kids. 
...and since that can't happen, I am trying to be diligent with my time I
get alone with her. I am definitely working on putting aside my type-A desire/disorder to clean/organize and making use of our one-on-one time when Ethan is
sleeping so she knows I still love and care for her and that we can still do
fun things as just us girls.

I was able to sneak outside with my little lady on Saturday afternoon and at the playground in our neighborhood. We had so much fun chasing each other! I could tell she loved having all of my attention and that I was hands-free. I pray that Mark and I can have one-on-one time with our children when they are young and especially when they are older. I want us to learn to cherish these moments and develop deep relationships with our kids. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or expensive, just something meaningful to show that we love them.


Here she goes:

"more, more, more"

1 comment:

  1. Aw, this is great. I agree: one on one time with children is so important. You'll reap what you sow!
