Are you looking at this picture thinking, 'there is no way he is 2 months already?'
Well, I am thinking the same thing. I'm also telling him to stop. right now, stop growing.
I think I'm going to blink and he's going to be asking me for the keys to the car.Ugh. Please forgive my post-partum emotions as I cry thinking about him getting older.
About Ethan:
- You are perhaps the most relaxed baby I've ever been around. You had a week where you were pretty fussy in the evening but that came and went quickly. Thank you, Lord!
- Recently, your day-sleep has been unpredictable. You have days where you sleep nearly ALL day and then other days where you take a short morning nap and short afternoon nap. Funny.
- Bedtime is somewhere around 7 and you sleep until 1-2 and then wake up around 4 and 6.
- You really like noise and try to figure out where it is coming from. Usually, it is mama and Lily talking or carrying-on and you are content just being around us.
- You wear size two diapers and believe it or not, you're wearing mostly 6 month clothes(!).
- Tummy time is going well, you find your fist and try to suck on it or just hang out on your belly.
- I like to set you on my lap with my legs crisscross applesauce (ha!) and you will sit there as long as I am sitting and talking.
- You eat every 2-3 hours during the day and then you have the long stretch at night.
- Just for record: you don't fit in any hats we have right now. I cut a little beanie yesterday morning so the fabric could fold over and cover your ears. Your cranium is a little on the large side, my boy.
one of my favorite little outfits
Sweet memories:
You smile a lot in the mornings and I hope that I will never forget how much joy it brings to my sleep-deprived self (and Lily and dadda). We even have a short video of you smiling and nearly laughing. Yesterday morning you were laying on the floor and Lily came over to your and held your hand and said 'pray'.
Someday, I know you'll likely be taller than me and have facial hair and have a wife. But until then, I'm going to snuggle you and cuddle with you and even when you're older, I'm going to tell you I love you every day. So, for today, "I love you!"