Friday, June 13, 2014

Ethan: 9 months

Weight: 21 lbs 9 oz
Hair: blonde with lots of fuzz in the back
Eyes: blueish/gray and gorgeous
Teeth: 7 
Sleep: morning and afternoon naps (like a pro) but night-time sleep is terrible. We're working on it currently (send coffee and encouragement). :)

Other things:
Right now, I'd describe you as squirmy. You don't want to sit still or be held (unless we're doing something). You like to be busy!
You have double-jointed thumbs. It freaks me out but I guess you got them from Dadda because his thumbs are double-jointed, too. 
You have a birthmark on the top of your head.
You can say "mama' and babble a lot of other jibberish sounds.
You're still army crawling but you've recently begun to pull yourself up on anything on the ground i.e. people, the fan in your room, piles of books. 
Eating is probably your favorite thing to do. You eat 3 meals a day plus snacks and nursing. You're on your way to being a carnivore; you LOVE meat. Breakfast: sausage Lunch: turkey Dinner: chicken or beef (with other foods, obviously) We've got to work on your veggies. ha!

We took you to the pool and you really liked it. You splashed a lot and watched Lily. 

(see the birthmark?)

baby needs to cool off.
 (I don't know why it uploaded so small)

Love you, Ethan! Or as Lily calls you, "E-tas"

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