It is a total bittersweet feeling to be ending my college career. While I am excited to move back to Delaware and start a new job, I can't help but feel sad to leave something I have fallen in love with.
I wasn't always in love with Miami. To me, Miami was a big, secular campus and I was only one Christian girl with only a few high-school acquaintances. I felt alone, scared, without my Marky, and I wanted to go home.
It was a long first semester and it seems like it was only yesterday. I had no idea what God had in store for me after that first semester...little did I know. If you told me a 3 years ago I would be a senior, married, graduating early, moving back to my hometown with a job in the Haller family business...I'm pretty sure I would laugh-out-loud. But it's true, God has given us direction and answered prayers.
As exciting as this all is, there's a part of me that isn't quite ready to leave Miami or Oxford. Over the past four years, I've gone from hating this school to loving it and the community it is in. I have friends and memories here that are irreplaceable, looking at pictures isn't going to fill this void. I trust that God has plans for me in Delaware and that he will lead me with what HE wants me to do, even if that means living in an apartment above a garage! :)
The countdown has started and so has my list. T-minus 10 days to:
Drink my last Kofenya Latte
Eat at Kona Bistro
Ice Skate at Goggin
Pull an all-nighter (only done once in 4 years!)
Kiss my hubby under Upham Arch
Not get a $65.00 Miami parking ticket
It's going to be a crazy end to December but we're excited to move, start/re-start our jobs, and be a part of a community we know so well.
Look out D*Town here we come!
I LOVE this post! Sweet, real, full of the memories you hold of college. Many years from now, you'll cherish your words! Love ya!