I do not know how he got in or how long he has been there...but eewwwwww.
As I was making Marks lunch this morning, I saw him scurry across our floor into our living room. I jumped up on the counter and screamed, probably waking up everyone in our building. I saw where he went and directed Mark that way. Still on the counter, I shivered as the image of the little furry thing ran through my head (ewww again!). Mark found him in the corner by the patio door but he was fast enough to run around behind our TV and Christmas tree and into our 2nd bedroom. We (I mean Mark) went in after him and about ten minutes later the intruder was D-E-A-D! THANK GOODNESS.
Ironically enough, when we were in my parents basement on Saturday, there was a dead mouse. Straight out of my husbands mouth were the words, "I cannot wait to see you react to our first mouse". Little did we know, it would only be two days later!
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...FALSE!