Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lily is 2!

Lily turned two on February 9th and we had a little party for her (details and pictures in the next post) but before we share party details, let's share Lily details at age 2.

Some of the facts:
Height: 2' 9"
Weight: 25 lbs
Eyes: Brown with hints of green
Hair: Blonde with a slight wave; short in the front, long in the back

Things you dislike:
-A ponytail. Oh, girlie. We fought this battle once on a Sunday before church and that was the last time I tried to get you to wear ponytail. Your will is strong to say the least. You certainly don't want your hair confined to a band and I've given in to your wishes. There will be no ponytails until you ask. You do wear a headband everyday, though, and you willingly put it in and keep it in. A compromise, I suppose. One time I got you to wear a ponytail and you looked SO adorable. Someday.
- Beef.
- A lot of vegetables.
- Napping. Someday I'll remind you how much you used to hate napping and how you nearly stopped napping before your second birthday. The last few days have been hit or miss with naps. If you nap well on a given day, the next you won't; every other day you need a nap.
-Strangers/unfamiliar situations.
-Having your picture taken.

Things you love:
-Reading. You would read book after book if the day allowed. You especially love being read to. Currently, your favorite book is "But No Elephants" By Jerry Smath. You love readying SO much that since early last summer (16 months-ish) I could tell you the title of a book and you would crawl over to the shelf and retrieve that exact book. I wish I would've written down the date you first did that, I was shocked.
-Popcorn, fruit, cheese, chocolate (who doesn't??)
-Being outside. You really like being at the playground down the street from us; swinging or going down the slide.
- Stickers and painting.
-Playing in your new kitchen
-Helping me. You help me SO much. I wouldn't be able to accomplish very much without the help you give me everyday. You throw diapers away, wipe up the floor, wash yourself in the bath, fold laundry, clean-up your toys, unload the dishwasher (utensil caddy) and put groceries away. I'm hopeful that you'll continue to enjoy helping me for another year or're going to have to help regardless. :)

Fun stuff:
-After a bath, you wear a 'hoodie towel' and run around the upstairs and get a little crazy
-You make your brother laugh a lot!
- You make me and dadda laugh a lot, too!
-You know all of your letters and can say all but 4 or 5.
-You call yourself "yanh-yanh" which is funny because when I was little I pronounce my "L's" like "Y" and called my older brother "Yance" (Lance).
-You're polite and use your manners even when you're not prompted.
-On your birthday, we had grilled cheese and tomato soup and you spilled your whole bowl of soup on the floor/walls/chair/table. What.A.Mess. "No use crying over spilled tomato soup" (said no mother ever).
-You are very shy around other people but when it is just you, me, and Ethan, you talk...A LOT.  It's funny how different you are when you 'warm up' to people.

Lily, you are getting to be such a big girl. You got a big-girl bed yesterday and you slept the whole night it in last night and you are sleeping it in again tonight. I know you're only two but it seems like you have become so much more independent in the last year. As much as I miss holding you and rocking you like I used to, I'm loving watching you become a sweeter little-big-girl.

I love you so much, sweetie. I can't wait for all we're going to do together this year.

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