Monday, October 7, 2013

Ethan is here!

Ethan Henry Haller was born Sunday, September 8th at 10:46pm weighing 8lbs. 6oz. and 21" long.
Praise God for this beautiful, healthy baby!

My due date was actually Saturday the 7th so our little guy was 'technically' a day late, but who was counting the days? ha.
At our small group dropping off potato salad
and Lily so we could head to the hospital. 
Thankful for wonderful friends who loved on Lily
and set us at ease for her first 'sleep-over!'

During labor - 2 hours before Ethan arrived
 I mean, that's a good look don't you think?
and he's HERE!
Proud dadda!
Mark coached me through the whole birth.
I could not have done it without him.
 Lily meets Ethan!
blurry, but she's SO excited
'his nose'

(please excuse my utterly exhausted but I'm going to smile-smile)

I just love him.


We're going home!

1 comment:

  1. YAY, wonderful post and photos!! Oh that first one .... Ethan is perfectly beautiful! Soooo excited to hold him and see all of you! Much love ... Baba
