Friday, April 6, 2012

no pins necessary

We decided to cloth diaper Lily (and our future children, Lord willing). I'm sure most of you immediately think of white cloths and pins and who knows what else.
Cloth diapers have come a long way! With the encouragement from my SIL, Jenny, I chose to use the brand fuzzibunz in their style called "one size elite". These diapers allow Lily to wear them from infant to potty training with a few simple changes to the diapers. It IS extra work but it WILL save us money and is much better for the environment. 
Aren't they pretty? 

Every time I see at the brown diaper I think of the m&m commercial about the m&m being naked because she is brown...anyone? maybe it's just because all the other colors are "pretty" :)


  1. They are pretty. And you are smart. And Lily is blessed! Yay, fuzzibunz!

  2. Cloth diapers are great, and they had even come a long way 20 and 14 years ago when my kids were born. Good for you!

  3. I love my little girls in their fuzzi bunz. Summer wardrobe: a diaper! Super fun! You're right, it is more work but it becomes routine and easy and its so rewarding to only buy one or two disposable diapers every once in a while!!
