Sunday, July 6, 2014

National Zoo

Mark and I are partial to the Columbus Zoo (in Ohio) since we grew up going there with our families and for school field trips, so The National Zoo had big shoes to fill. Although it is quite a bit smaller, it is really impressive. Tip: Park at the bottom of the hill so you're climbing up to see the animals you want to see and when you're exhausted, you're going down the hill to go back to your car.

Here are some pictures from our visit last weekend (click on the picture to make it bigger so you can see the animals)

I was fascinated with the lions. I had thoughts of "what if.." scenarios going on in my head. Eeeek.

These monster turtles were Lily's favorite!

holy moly, this guy was BIG

When we told Lily we were going to the zoo and asked her what she wanted to see she said "a pig!" exciting

Hi, my little cutie 

R - week


Monday: "hop-hop-hop"

Tuesday: Lily snacked on raisins (the ultimate toddler snack)

She also made rice crispy treats with Mark!

Wednesday: A favorite verse of mine, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: REJOICE!" Philippians 4:4

Thursday: I wrote letters with an erasable marker for glass/chalkboards on the front door. I think Lily enjoyed wiping them off the most.  

Friday: Hi, Great-Grandpa Ron! Thank you for taking time on the 4th of July to talk!

Q - week



Tuesday: Quiche! (+ a lesson in how to crack an egg)

Wednesday: Our verse this week, "Everyone should be Quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry" James 1:19 

Thursday: We reviewed with a fun new alphabet game (Thanks, Barb!)

Friday: It was my week to Facetime; I was the birthday queen - ha!

Friday, July 4, 2014